THE WORD OF GOD – We believe that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are God’s complete written revelation to man, that each word originated with God, that there are no mistakes in fact or principle in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in what to believe and how to live. Mark 12:26; Acts 17:2,3; Romans 15:4; II Timothy 3:16,17; II Peter I :21.
THE TRINITY – We believe in one God existing in three co-equal and eternal Persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit – each with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being. Deut.6:4; Matt.28:19-20; Jn 1:1-4; II Cor. 13:14; Heb.1:1-3; Rev. 1:4-6.
A. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ; begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man. John 1:1-3, 14; Luke 1: 35; I Pet. 1:3-5, I John 1:1-4
B. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of his shed blood. Lev. 17; 11; Isa.64:6; Romans 5:6-9; II Cor. 5:21; Phil. 3:4-9; I Pet.I:18,19 and 23; Romans 3:24,25; I Pet. 1:3-5.
C. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord and in His ascension in the heavens and in His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate. Heb. 7:25; 9:24; Romans 8:34; I John 2:1,2.
D. We believe in that blessed hope, the personal, visible, return of Jesus Christ in the air before He establishes His promised kingdom on earth. I Thess.4:13; Zech.14:11; Rev.20:6; John 14:1-3; I Cor. 15:51; Titus 2:11-14.
THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, baptizes and indwells every believer from the moment of salvation, and bestows gifts as He wills to glorify Christ and build up the church. To protect our unity; the “sign gifts” of tongues, interpretation of tongues, miracles, and healing are not practiced at WCBC sponsored meetings. John 16:7-11, I Cor.6:19, 12:13, Eph.4:11-16, I Cor.13:8-10.
MAN – We believe that man and woman were created in the image of God, that they sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature. Gen. 1:26; 2: 17; Psalm 14:1-3; John 3:6; Romans 3:10-19; Eph. 2:1-3. Additionally, we believe the only marriage sanctioned by God is that which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union; “until death do them part”. Gen. 2:23-24, Matt. 19:3-7
SALVATION – We believe that all who receive salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, are born again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God. John 5:25; 17:23; Acts 13:39; Romans 5:1; Eph. 2:8-10; II Tim. 1:12; I John 5:13.
ETERNITY – We believe in the literal resurrection of the dead, both the just and unjust. I Cor. 15:42-44; Rev. 20:5,6; Rom.6:5; Phil.4:30,21; John 5:28,29; Acts 24:15. We believe in the eternal preservation and everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the eternal conscious punishment of the lost. Romans 8:1,38,39; John 10-27-30; I Cor. 1:4-8; Mark 9:43-48; Rev. 20:15; 22:3-5, and 11.
THE BELIEVER’S WAY OF LIFE – We believe that the grace of God that saves, teaches believers to deny ungodliness and worldly lust, and teaches that we are to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, and to be careful to maintain good works. Romans 6:11-13; 8:2, 12, 13; Gal.5:16-23; Eph.4:22-24; I Peter 1:14-16; Titus 2:11-14.
SATAN – We believe Satan is a personal being, created perfect, fell with a host of angels, is the father of all ungodliness, is a deceiver, and though powerful, is not all-powerful and will one day be cast into an eternal punishment. Isa.14:12-15; Luke 10:18; John 14:30; I Pet. 2:4; Matt. 4:10,11; II Cor. 11:14; Eph.2:2; Col.2:15; Heb. 2:14; Rev. 20:10.
THE CHURCH – We believe there is one Body of Christ made up of every person who has received Christ as personal Savior. John 1:12, Matt.16:18, Eph.3:1-6
A. We also believe that God directs those who trust Him to become actively involved in a local assembly of believers wherein His purposes are carried out under the direction of qualified leaders. Acts 2:41-47, Heb.10:25, I Cor.11:18-20, I Tim.3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, I Tim.5:17-22, Heb.13:7, 17.
B. We believe and practice two ordinances:
1. Baptism in water by immersion; to symbolize our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Matt.28:18-20, Acts 8:35-38, Rom.6:3-11.
2. The Lord’s Table; normally celebrated on the first Sunday of each month; it is to remember the Lord’s death until He comes, and it is open to all who love our Lord in sincerity. Matt.26:26-30, I Cor.11:18-30.